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9/5/21 - I recently returned from an 8-week 
backpacking trip. which is where I've been. 
I will be slowly adding in my 50+ log entries 
in weekly form to the section below.

log entries

03-05-21 - Community Forest

03-06-21 - County Line Lake

03-10-21 - Community Forest

03-25-21 - Community Forest

03-27-21 - Interurban Trail

04-01-21 - Canyon Park

04-08-21 - Community Forest

04-10-21 - Stormwater Pond

05-23-21 - Backcountry Prep

06-05-21 - Ten-Mile Hike

06-24-21 to 07-01-21 - Great Lakes, week 1

7-02-21 to 07-08-21 - Great Lakes, week 2

7-09-21 to 07-15-21 - Great Lakes, week 3

essays (mostly book reports from a class I took)

A Salt Lake Stolen, a Mourning Misappropriated: Intersections of Mormonism and Colonialism in REFUGE by Terry Tempest-Williams

Letting Time In: A Comparison of Time-Consciousness in Nature-Driven Lifestyles | An Analysis of The Meadow by James Galvin

Braiding Sweetgrass and the Challenge of Animacy

The Witness on the Intersection: More-Than-Human Observation of Human History in The Colors of Nature
