Butterfly Balm Tea

First brewed 5-10-21

Ingredients (for 2/3 cup water)

- Lemon balm, 3-4 leaves

- Chrysanthemum flowers, 3-4 flowers

- Butterfly pea flowers, 3-4 flowers

- Optional: Drop of lemon, drop of honey

Affinities: Cooling, soothing, grounding, centering

Flavors: Lemon, muted sweetness, floral, vegetable

Brew: All ingredients loose, boiling water, let sit until warm

I made this tea looking for an infusion that would help curb anxiety I had waking up. Chrysanthemum is a sentimental go-to for calming, and I recently picked up lemon balm to dry. My buddy had butterfly pea flowers on hand, and I'm working with copper nitrate solutions in my research... the irony was just too good. I found this infusion to be cooling (even when warm! had a cooling effect on my mouth and body) and naturally sweet from the lemon balm and chrysanthemum. Adding lemon to the tea will change the color from blue to purple-pink. My housemate described the tea as "accessible to drink" and smooth and inviting for even non-tea-drinkers. I have some in the fridge to try cold later...

(later) I tried some cold, not as satisfying. I really enjoy the dual sensation of warm tea with a cooling effect. I think this is a good tea for "hot" angers, like seething or simmering or passionate anger, or fast-paced anxiety.
